Tuesday, August 26, 2014

RMAN duplicate fails with ORA-19755 when BCT file is not accessible

Your source  database has block change tracking enabled and the RMAN duplicate command is failing with ORA-19755 on the target server.

RMAN> connect auxiliary /
  duplicate database BKDB to DUPDB
  db_file_name_convert = ('BKDB', 'DUPDB')
  backup location '/u01/fra/backupset/DUPDB/2014_10_08'
  spfile parameter_value_convert ('BKDB', 'DUPDB');

RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 8/25/2014 08:00:00
RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database
RMAN-06136: ORACLE error from auxiliary database:
  ORA-19755: could not open change tracking file
  ORA-19750: change tracking file: '/u01/bct/borisDB_tracking.f'
  ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status

Possible errors: ORA-19755, RMAN-6136, RMAN-5501

alter database disable block change tracking ;

Try one of the following:
1. On the target database disable block_change_tracking and restart the  duplicate process.

2. On the source database disable block_change_tracking. Take another backup without block_change_tracking. Retry duplicate command on the target server using new backup.

3. Create a dummy file on target database server in the location where the error ORA-19755 is signaled. The name and location of the bct file should be exactly the same as source database.

4. Set db_file_name_convert in the set clause of duplicate, instead of using  db_file_name_convert clause.
duplicate database BKDB to DUPDB
backup location '/u01/fra/backupset/DUPDB/2014_10_08'
spfile parameter_value_convert ('BKDB', 'DUPDB')
set db_file_name_convert = 'BKDB', 'DUPDB'

I hope this helps.

Please feel free to leave your questions or suggest improvements to this section.

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