Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Oracle Data Redaction (DBMS_REDACT)

Oracle Data Redaction enables you to mask (redact) data that is returned from queries issued by applications. You can redact column data by using one of the following methods:
  • Full redaction
  • Random redaction
  • Partial redaction
  • Regular expressions

Database version: or later

Prepare environment
--Create user boris:
create user boris identified by pass_123;
grant create session to boris;

--Create user app_user:
create user app_user identified by pass_123;
grant create session to app_user;
grant create table to app_user;
alter user app_user quota UNLIMITED on USERS;

--Create test table in app_user schema:
conn app_user/pass_123

create table test (
name varchar2(10),
sal  number,
ssn  varchar2(32));

--Populate table with sample data:
insert into test values ('SMITH',50000,'200304050');
insert into test values ('CLARK',50000,'200304051');
insert into test values ('ADAMS',50000,'200304052');
insert into test values ('SIMS',50000,'200304053');
insert into test values ('FORD',50000,'200304054');
insert into test values ('MILLER',50000,'200304055');

--Connect as sysdba
grant select on app_user.test to boris;
grant EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY to app_user; --exempt app_user

Full redaction(DBMS_REDACT.FULL)
--Connect as sysdba

--Drop REDACT_SSN_POL policy
  object_schema        => 'APP_USER',
  object_name          => 'TEST',
  policy_name          => 'REDACT_SSN_POL');

--Create REDACT_SSN_POL policy
  object_schema    => 'APP_USER',
  object_name      => 'TEST',
  column_name      => 'SSN',
  policy_name      => 'REDACT_SSN_POL',
  function_type    =>  DBMS_REDACT.FULL,
  expression       => '1=1');

--Test redaction policy as boris:
conn boris/pass_123
select * from app_user.test;

NAME              SAL         SSN
-------------     -------    -------------
SMITH             50000
CLARK             50000
ADAMS             50000
SIMS              50000
FORD              50000
MILLER            50000

6 rows selected.

--Test redaction policy as app_user:
conn app_user/pass_123
select * from test;

NAME              SAL         SSN
------------    ------     ------------
SMITH             50000    200304050
CLARK             50000    200304051
ADAMS             50000    200304052
SIMS              50000    200304053
FORD              50000    200304054
MILLER            50000    200304055

6 rows selected.

Random redaction(DBMS_REDACT.RANDOM)
--Connect as sysdba

--Drop REDACT_SSN_POL policy
  object_schema        => 'APP_USER',
  object_name          => 'TEST',
  policy_name          => 'REDACT_SSN_POL');

--Create REDACT_SSN_POL policy
  object_schema    => 'APP_USER',
  object_name      => 'TEST',
  column_name      => 'SSN',
  policy_name      => 'REDACT_SSN_POL',
  function_type    =>  DBMS_REDACT.RANDOM,
  expression       => '1=1');

--Test redaction policy as boris:
conn boris/pass_123
select * from app_user.test;

NAME              SAL      SSN
-------------      -------  -------------
SMITH             50000    Z\cM2XO)b
CLARK             50000    *4!K<%="2
ADAMS             50000    QhB:'HcNY
SIMS              50000    5~(L#9f\=
FORD              50000    5~(L#9f\=
MILLER            50000    *RbD1t%[2

6 rows selected.

--Test redaction policy as app_user:
conn app_user/pass_123
select * from test;

NAME              SAL         SSN
------------       ------     ------------
SMITH             50000      200304050
CLARK             50000      200304051
ADAMS             50000      200304052
SIMS              50000      200304053
FORD              50000      200304054
MILLER            50000      200304055

6 rows selected.

Partial redaction(DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL)
--Connect as sysdba

--Drop REDACT_SSN_POL policy
  object_schema        => 'APP_USER',
  object_name          => 'TEST',
  policy_name          => 'REDACT_SSN_POL');

--Create REDACT_SSN_POL policy to partially redact 1st 5 numbers in SSN
  object_schema       => 'APP_USER',
  object_name         => 'TEST',
  column_name         => 'SSN',
  policy_name         => 'REDACT_SSN_POL',
  function_type       =>  DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL,
  function_parameters => 'VVVVVVVVV,VVVVVVVVV,X,1,5',
  expression          => '1=1');

--Test redaction policy as boris:
conn boris/pass_123
select * from app_user.test;

NAME              SAL         SSN
-------------     -------   -------------
SMITH             50000    XXXXX4050
CLARK             50000    XXXXX4051
ADAMS             50000    XXXXX4052
SIMS              50000    XXXXX4053
FORD              50000    XXXXX4054
MILLER            50000    XXXXX4055

6 rows selected.

--Test redaction policy as app_user:
conn app_user/pass_123
select * from test;

NAME              SAL         SSN
------------       ------   ------------
SMITH             50000    200304050
CLARK             50000    200304051
ADAMS             50000    200304052
SIMS              50000    200304053
FORD              50000    200304054
MILLER            50000    200304055

6 rows selected.

Regular expressions(DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP)
--Connect as sysdba

--Drop REDACT_SSN_POL policy
  object_schema        => 'APP_USER',
  object_name          => 'TEST',
  policy_name          => 'REDACT_SSN_POL');

--Create REDACT_SSN_POL policy to show only 5 last digits of SSN
  object_schema       => 'APP_USER',
  object_name         => 'TEST',
  column_name          =>  'SSN',
  policy_name         => 'REDACT_SSN_POL',
  function_type       =>  DBMS_REDACT.REGEXP,
  regexp_pattern         =>  '\d+(\d{5})$',
  regexp_replace_string => '****\1',
  regexp_position       =>  DBMS_REDACT.RE_BEGINNING,
  regexp_occurrence     =>  DBMS_REDACT.RE_ALL,
  expression          =>  '1=1');

--Test redaction policy as boris:
conn boris/pass_123
select * from app_user.test;

NAME              SAL         SSN
-------------  -------    -------------
SMITH             50000    ****04050
CLARK             50000    ****04051
ADAMS             50000    ****04052
SIMS              50000    ****04053
FORD              50000    ****04054
MILLER            50000    ****04055

6 rows selected.

--Test redaction policy as app_user:
conn app_user/pass_123
select * from test;

NAME              SAL         SSN
------------    ------     ------------
SMITH             50000    200304050
CLARK             50000    200304051
ADAMS             50000    200304052
SIMS              50000    200304053
FORD              50000    200304054
MILLER            50000    200304055

6 rows selected.

Applying the Redaction Policy Based on Database Role
For example, suppose you wanted only managers to be able to see the actual data.

Applying the Redaction Policy Based on User Environment
expression  => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''BORIS'''

The dbms_redact procedure introduces the following of ORA-error messages for data redaction.
ORA-28060 - A Data Redaction policy already exists on this column.
ORA-28061 - This object cannot have a Data Redaction policy defined on it.
ORA-28062 - The policy expression is too long.
ORA-28063 - The policy expression is empty.
ORA-28064 - The type of redaction function is not valid.
ORA-28066 - Invalid column column
ORA-28069 - A Data Redaction policy already exists on this object.
ORA-28073 - The column column_name has an unsupported datatype.
ORA-28074 - The field field_name of the masking parameters is not valid
ORA-28075 - The policy expression has unsupported functions
ORA-28076 - An attribute was not specified for SYS_SESSION_ROLES
ORA-28077 - The attribute specified (attribute) exceeds the maximum length
ORA-28078 - A regular expression parameter is missing or invalid
ORA-28082 - The parameter parameter is invalid (where the possible values are function_parameters, column_description , policy_name and policy_description )
ORA-28085 - The input and output lengths of the redaction do not match.

For more information see:

I hope this helps.

Please feel free to leave your questions or suggest improvements to this section.


  1. what does this error mean? ORA-28074 - The field field_name of the masking parameters is not valid
    I face this error

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Isn't possible to set a default character value in full redaction?

    ORA-28082: The parameter VARCHAR_VAL is invalid.

    If I user numbers work fine.. why?
